On Thursday 25th October, 13 Non-Masons assembled with their Hosts and visiting Brethren at Accrington Masonic Hall for the latest East Ribble District White Table Event hosted this time by The Lodge of Remembrance No. 3787 The 60 in attendance were shown the proceedings of a full Masonic evening, beginning with the welcome in the bar before being shown how Masons prepare themselves for the meeting and the historic significance of the Tyler’s book. They were looked after throughout by WBro Russell Harwood the Deputy District Chairman assisted by WBro Bruce Pollard and his actual Brother Bro Andrew Pollard. They guided the guests into the Lodge Room once the Brethren had completed the opening business of the evening, where the Worshipful Master WBro Ken Fawcett, introduced WBro Steve Crowther who delivered his explanation of Freemasonry in a relaxed and understandable manner, linking ancient Freemasonry to life in the 21st Century. He finished his presentation by explaining the various regalia worn by the Brethren and the ‘true’ story of why the Stewards wear their ‘wine’ coloured aprons! The guests were then taken from the Lodge for questions and answers whilst the business of the evening was concluded.
A joyful festive board, including a full Masonic Toast List, then took place where our guests were able to ask further questions in an open and welcoming environment. WBro Alan Kirwillian PAGStB, APGM Designate, responded to Toasts 3,4 & 5, welcoming the guests and updating the Brethren and guests on the latest recruitment information from the Province. A raffle was held which raised £230 which will be donated to the ELMC. A wonderful evening with great support from guests and Brethren from across the District.
Article and image: East Ribble District Team.