On Sunday November 11th, Brethren from Limestone Rock Lodge No.369 and Keep Lodge No. 6538 assembled on a rainy morning at Clitheroe Town Hall under the direction of Roland Hailwood the Town Crier, before moving in procession through the town centre to St Mary Magdalene Parish church, for the Civic Remembrance Service conducted by the Reverend Andrew Froud.
After the service, all moved in procession through the town centre up to the Cenotaph Memorial Gardens at the Castle Keep for the Service of Remembrance, again conducted by Reverend Froud, where the 2 minutes silence was marked impeccably and all that could be heard was the rain falling, a very poignant sound.
Bob Cleeve, the Immediate Past Master of Limestone Rock laid a wreath on behalf of Clitheroe Freemasons.

Article and Images: East Ribble District Team