Seventeen Brethren from all the Halls across the East Ribble District assembled at Pleckgate School playing fields in Blackburn early on Saturday 27th April, to marshal the 2019 East Lancashire Hospice Bubble Rush. The weather could not have been any different to the glorious sunshine of the 2018 event. It is fair to say the Brethren were soaked to the skin and freezing cold as they helped the 630 registered participants through the four bubble stations. The first task of the day was to unload the Hospice van and move 700 bottles of water, gazebos, tables and dairy free milk drinks onto the field. Once everything was set up the families began to arrive for registration. The final number isn’t yet known, but it did appear the weather did keep some away. However the Hospice are hoping the event will raise £10,000 for their funds.
The first run began promptly at 11.00am and consisted of a 3k route which included the four bubble stations. These were very enthusiastically entered and luckily everyone came out of the other side! Helped by the Brethren who provided eye and face washing facilities. Many returned for extra runs and everyone ended the day multi-coloured from the bubble dye. Including our own WBro Alan Low who just couldn’t help himself!
After a second run at midday, the Brethren stayed behind to repack the van and three followed it to the Hospice to unload at the other end.
A very enjoyable day, but we could have done with a little less rain and wind, but it didn’t seem to bother the tee shirt clad children who are now a blend of pink, yellow, blue and green for a few days.

Article and Images: East Ribble District Team