Over ten years ago, local Freemason Harry Hesmondalgh was at the East Lancs Hospice and saw the patients’ drinks trolley was very poorly stocked
He approached the local Freemasons to help re-stock the trolley, and ever since, the East Ribble District Freemasons have donated £ 350 twice a year to this worthwhile cause.
The drinks are not just for enjoyment of the patient,  but can also can encourage appetite amongst the patients, and so are very important to have.
Sadly, Harry passed away last year, but his legacy lives on and this year his widow, Mrs May Hesmondalgh, accompanied by their daughter Hilary, were able to present the cheque in Harry’s memory
Photo: L to R Hospice patients receive the cheque and a tipple from WBro Malcolm Roe along with Mrs May Hesmondhalgh, supported by daughter Hilary (behind May)
Article and Photo: East Ribble District Team.