Continued Support for East Lancs Hospice Drinks Trolley

What is a Masonic Toast

A festive board, or dinner, normally follows a lodge meeting. While fairly formal with speeches and toasts it is marked by the sound of friendly discussion, sometimes singing and plenty of fun and laughter.

On the subject of formal Masonic toasts the format of these vary with the lodge but there is always a toast to the Queen and to The Grand Master followed by others which vary according to the ceremony. For instance when there is a new initiate he is toasted and often responds. In some lodges they sing the Initiates song.

As part of East Ribble District’s continuing support of the East Lancs Hospice Drinks Trolley, District Charity Steward Malcolm Roe and Assistant District Charity Steward Alan Fielder, together with Alan’s wife Shirley, a regular volunteer for East Ribble, presented a cheque to Ann Dobson, long term Hospice supporter and member of the Creative and Support Therapy Team at the Hospice.

The twice yearly cheque for £ 350 is used to re-stock the drinks trolley at the Hospice. The alcohol is used in therapy for the patients and proves very beneficial for them in their treatment.

This support for the Drinks Trolley was started many year ago by the late Harry Hesmondalgh when he was APGM, and the District is happy to continue this worthwhile support.

Article and Image: East Ribble District