The ELMC helps launch ELHT & Me Million Pound Appeal

What is a Masonic Toast

A festive board, or dinner, normally follows a lodge meeting. While fairly formal with speeches and toasts it is marked by the sound of friendly discussion, sometimes singing and plenty of fun and laughter.

On the subject of formal Masonic toasts the format of these vary with the lodge but there is always a toast to the Queen and to The Grand Master followed by others which vary according to the ceremony. For instance when there is a new initiate he is toasted and often responds. In some lodges they sing the Initiates song.

An ELMC Grant of £4650 was the first donation in the East Lancashire Hospital Trusts Charity ELHT&Me Million Pound appeal, which was launched at a breakfast reception at the Fence Gate, Fence on Friday the 22nd of February.
The ELHT & Me Million appeal will focus on improvements that are ‘over and above’ normal NHS provision, such as specialised medical equipment and better patient facilities. . It also aims to ‘enhance the patient environment’ at ELHT’s five hospitals – Royal Blackburn and Burnley General Teaching hospitals and community hospitals Accrington Victoria, Clitheroe and Pendle.
The East Lancashire Masonic Charity Grant is to provide static and mobile video conferencing technology equipment to allow young persons to access speedy support for mental health issues, with professional medical personnel without the need to travel and out of normal hours. It will support mainly adolescent ages (16 to 21) but also outreach across East Lancashire to those with no transport of all ages. The principal aim is so that patients can make contact, discuss and have regular support no matter the distance. It will also allow outreach for the most vulnerable at any time, not just when they have an appointment, which is crucial to keeping stress from forming.
WBro David Lightbown, Chairman of the ELMC Committee of Benevolence and member of the Grants Committee, was kindly invited to say a few well received words about the work of Freemasonry in our East Lancashire Communities, and to present Denise Gee, fundraising Manager with the cheque to launch the appeal.

Article and images: East Ribble District Team