On Monday 10thDecember 2018 EComp Warwick Davenport PAGSoj celebrated 50 years as a Royal Arch Mason. He was exalted into Manchester Commonweal Chapter 5332 in November 1968. The ceremony was a splendid occasion especially so as the Chapter warmly welcomed the ME Grand Superintendent, Sir David Trippier who was accompanied by a Provincial Deputation.
Sir David gave a full and detailed account of Comp Davenport’s masonic history as well as highlights of his life outside of Freemasonry. It was delivered with warmth and humour.

The social board was preceded by a champagne reception kindly hosted by the celebrant. What a magnificent gesture and thoroughly enjoyed by all.



The meal was a sumptuous affair which included Game Soup, Braised Steak, Rum & Raisin Brûlée, finishing off with Cheese and Biscuits. A meal befitting the occasion. The companions signed a cricket bat for Warwick, together with a card, as a memento of the evening.

EComp Stephen Blank, the MEGS of Cheshire, proposed Warwick’s health in a sincere, light hearted, and friendly manner. As one might have expected Warwick treated all to a response in his inimitable way!
A great evening that will live long in the memory of those who attended and definitely a night to remember for EComp Davenport.

Please click on the link for further photos of the evening