Last week saw the installation meeting of Abbey Chapter 2529 at Whalley Masonic Hall.  In the company of EComp Harvey Basger, Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp Russell Harwood was installed as First Principal and EComp Eric Bond JP as Third Principal. Sadly EComp Harvey Capstick was unable to attend due to illness so will be installed as Second Principal at a later date.

During the Installation the Chapter voted on and approved  a donation of £500 to the Province of East Lancashire 2026 Charity Festival and a further donation of £50 to the British Heart Foundation at the request of the outgoing First Principal, EComp Steve Ryder. Another notable item of business was a successful vote for a new candidate followed by a proposal for another. At the Festive Board the Chapter raised £145 for charitable causes. Russell brought along Ruby Port which the Companions enjoyed with their meal.

Our Photo Archive contains images from the evening which can be viewed here.

We hope the new Principals have a great year and see the Chapter go from strength to strength.