Wednesday 11th October 2017 saw Derby Chapter No. 1055 welcome the Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp Paul Rose along with a delegation of Grand Officers and many Acting Provincial Officers of the year, which made for an impressive show of colour and splendour.
A great number of Royal Arch Masons were present to witness the exaltation of Bro David George Watson. The ceremony was performed by various members of the Chapter who by sharing the work enhanced the experience for those performing and observing. They had clearly worked hard to make it a significant experience for the candidate.

The Deputy Grand Superintendent then presented Comp John Fleming with his Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate.
The business of the evening being concluded there followed a most entertaining social board; the kind of atmosphere which can only be found at a Royal Arch function.

Paul Rose addressed all those present with his usual panache and warmth. Ed Beaman proposed the toast to the newly exalted companion, his candidate, to which Comp Watson responded beautifully.

The evening was, as expected, a resounding success.

Article and pictures by Leigh Rickett