I know this has been mentioned on the PGLEL website, Facebook and at PGC but just in case you missed the news, Bury District have a new DORA (District Office of the Royal Arch). EComp Roger Bowden PProvGStB.
Firstly can I give the most heart felt thanks on behalf of myself, the District, the Province and indeed Royal Arch Freemasonry in general to EComp Roy Fairhurst PProvGSN who has served the District as DORA for many years and has without doubt done a sterling job, attending Craft meetings to promote the RA and no one could begin to count the amount of Chapters he has visited in his role. I personally have found him approachable and knowledgeable. He was an asset to the District. Many Thanks EComp Fairhurst.
Filling those rather large shoes comes EComp Bowden. I imagine we almost all know Roger in the District but I shall just enlighten and remind us all who this chap is.
For the purposes of my somewhat lazy typing I shall drop the formality and refer to EComp Roger Bowden PProvGStB as Roger. I have heard him called many other names but I shall stick to Roger!!
Roger joined our fraternity in 1986 being initiated into Fairway Lodge No 6693 on 15th April, I know, he doesn’t look that old but he really is (and then some). Roger became WM of Fairway on 17th March 1998 and again on 15th March 2011. He was incredibly active within Fairway and his passion for that lodge is always something people comment on. Within Fairway he also served as ADC 2003/04, DC 2004/10. In 2010/11 he was both the Senior Warden and the ADC after which he became the secretary of the lodge until its sad closure in 2015.
He gained his Craft provincial honours in 2004 becoming PProvAGDC. In 2014 he was promoted to ProvSGD, a well deserved acting roll, 2015 saw him become PProvSGD.
2015 also saw Roger become a member of the district team in the roll of Communications officer. He is also a member of Pythagoras Lodge of Installed Masters No 9248, Knowsley Lodge No 4661 and 3747.
So what about the Royal Arch Freemasonry? Why is Roger the perfect DORA for the Bury District?
Roger was exalted into Papyrean Chapter No 5771 in December 2005. He worked through the chairs becoming MEZ 2009/11 after which he became the DC of the Chapter and has been ever since. He works tirelessly for the Chapter and loves the Royal Arch with a passion.
In 2015 Roger gained Provincial honours receiving PProvGStB which he well deserved.
I know Roger personally and can tell you that in my experience he is dedicated to both Craft and RA. He will graft to bridge the gap between Craft and RA, a gap that should be none existent. He finds the RA beautiful, the room, the regalia, the ritual and Royal Arch in its entirety.
I know he is excited to be getting out to the Chapters of the District to offer his support and the craft lodges to promote the Royal Arch. I’m sure we will all be seeing him in the District/Province. He is the most approachable of chaps and will help in anyway he can. He is a credit to our fraternity.
Thank you Roger for excepting the post and for all the work I know you plough into your role in the future.