The Deputy Grand Superintendent seated with the 2nd & 3rd Provincial Grand Principals and the host Chapter Principals with the other Companions of Starkie Chapter standing behind

Bury District let 2014 in style with a Joint Convocation at Rossendale Masonic Hall (Ashday Lea) at which all Nine Chapters from the District took part in a presentation entitled “Heroes & Villains”. This had been compiled by our very own EComp John Cavanagh, ProvGSN (designate) – team leader of The East Lancashire Royal Arch Demonstration Team (ELRADT).
After normal Chapter business was completed, a Provincial Delegation was received consisting of the EComp Deputy Grand Superintendent, the Second & Third Provincial Grand Principals, four Assistants to the Provincial Grand Principals (AProvGP), the Bury District Officer Royal Arch (DORA) and the Bury District Chairman. They were escorted into the Chapter by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies and his two Deputies. The First Principal of the host Chapter Starkie No 1634, EComp Stuart Longworth, welcomed the Deputy Grand Superintendent to Starkie Chapter and then invited EComp William Porter to occupy the First Principal’s chair which he accepted. The Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals were then invited to occupy the chairs of Haggai & Joshua respectively.
EComp Porter thanked the Companions of the Chapter for their very kind invitation and agreeing to host this Joint Convocation stating how pleasing it was to see the room so full with 70 Companions present.
The Deputy Grand Superintendent then introduced by name each of those Companions who had processed into the Chapter with him and also thanked collectively the three Grand Officers present for their support as well as those Acting Officers of the year from Western Area.

The Provincial Delegation with the host Chapter Principals

EComp David Thornton PGStB, the patch AProvGP, then thanked the Grand Superintendent and his Co-Principals for finding the time to attend and enhance the Joint Convocation.  He then handed over to EComp Roy Fairhurst PProvGReg, the DORA for Bury, who introduced the presentation entitled “Heroes & Villians” stating that all were Biblical characters involved in our Royal Arch ritual.  Companions from each of the nine Chapters then presented the story in a most interesting and entertaining way.  Concluding the presentation, EComp Fairhurst hoped that in some way it had stimulated people’s imagination adding that “there are thousands of stories from the Royal Arch and that this had been but one of them”. This was then met by spontaneous acclaim. The Deputy Grand Superintendent then thanked every one of those Companions who had taken part adding that if EComp Cavanagh had been present he would have been proud of the way his presentation had been portrayed.  The presentation team then received further applause from all Companions present.

The Deputy Grand Superintendent seated with the 2nd & 3rd Provincial Grand Principals
and the host Chapter Principals with the Companions who took part in the presentation standing behind.
They are EComp’s Brian Samson, David Russell, Roger Bowden, Ron Hall, Jim Hodge, Stanley Reynolds,
together with Comp’s Mike Bluer, Lee Rickett & Jack Howarth plus the Bury DORA EComp Roy Fairhurst”.

EComp Stuart Longworth then presented a cheque on behalf of Starkie Chapter to the Deputy Grand Superintendent for the 2015 Festival who thanked the Chapter for their very generous donation. The Three Chapter Principals were then invited to re-occupy their respective Chairs.  The Provincial Delegation then retired and shortly afterwards the Chapter was closed.
All Companions then retired downstairs to the dining room where they took part in an excellent meal at the festive board which was enjoyed by all. The proceeds of the raffle were also donated by Starkie Chapter to the 2015 Festival.