Friday morning the 10th March saw over 40 Companions assembled at Mill House Masonic Hall for Whalley Arches with Gratitude Chapter No 7489 meeting to celebrate 50 years to the day since EComp R Graham Inskip was Exalted into the Holy Royal Arch.
Once the Chapter had been opened and the initial business concluded, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies EComp David Bristol, PGStB, led a Delegation of District Officers, Grand Chapter officers, and distinguished guests into the Chapter. The Principal Guest, EComp Paul Aspinall, PGStB, APGP, introduced the delegation and expressed his delight at the opportunity to officiate at this momentous occasion.
EComp Aspinall directed the Scribe E, EComp David Bradley, PProvDepGSwdB, to read the minutes from the meeting 50 years ago. This was followed by a fitting tribute delivered by EComp Ken Olive, PGStB. EComp Olive spoke passionately about the masonic and personal life of EComp Inskip. His tribute was very comprehensive and mentioned EComp Inskip’s family life, his passion for travel (which still continues to this day) his prowess at skiing and his love for art, which had contributed to the extensive travels he has had. EComp Olive then proceeded to outline EComp Inskip’s masonic career in both The Craft and Royal Arch. This was an extensive list of offices held, especially since he had hoped to take a back seat since 2001. The whole tribute outlined the life of EComp Inskip as both man and Freemason.
As is tradition on such occasions, EComp Aspinall outlined some of the facts that had happened in 1967, a very busy year! Some of the many highlights were that the first North Sea oil was pumped ashore, the SS Torey Canyon ran aground off the coast of Lands End, the Grand National was won by Foinavon, Sir Francis Chichester completed his single handed round the world voyage, the first scheduled colour television broadcasts began on BBC2 for certain programmes and the Concorde supersonic jet was unveiled in Toulouse in France.
Following the presentation of his 50th Lapel Badge by EComp Alun Davies, PProvDepGDC, RADO, EComp Bristol perambulated EComp Inskip around the Chapter to the rapturous applause of the assembled Companions.
EComp Inskip then had a very pleasant duty to perform as he presented EComp Aspinall with a cheque for £300 to ELMC which was gratefully received. The Deputation departed the Chapter and the business was concluded and the Chapter closed.
The festive Board saw the Companions enjoy a wonderful lunch, companionship, excellent speeches and fitting responses. EComp Aspinall spoke of the delight he felt that this wonderful celebration happened to be his final duty as an APGP. The toast to EComp Inskip was delivered emotionally by the Scribe E, EComp David Bradley, who went on to present EComp Inskip with a gift from the Chapter. EComp Inskip thanked the Companions of the Chapter and all present for the wonderful day.
EComp Brian Carter, PGStB, proposed a final toast of the day to EComp Aspinall. He paid tribute to the work he had put into the role as APGP over the last five years. EComp Carter will be taking over the role at the forthcoming Provincial Grand Chapter Meeting.
This was a momentous day with a wonderful atmosphere and genuine respect for a consummate gentleman and Mason. We look forward to celebrating his 60th anniversary!