The Principals from the chapter left to right, next to David Thompson are 2nd Principal – EComp William Bruce PProvDepGSwdB, 1st Principal – EComp Michael Green PProvGSwdB and finally 3rd Principal – EComp Trevor Jewitt PProvDepGSwdB
Monday 7th March was the installation of the three Principals.
In attendance EComp Sir David Trippier ME Grand Superintendent and an Honorary member of the Chapter and the Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals EComp’s David Thompson and Donald Pryce.  Also in attendance were the following Assistants to the Provincial Grand Principals, EComp’s David Basger with responsibilities for Manchester, David Thornton, (Western Area) and Eddie Barlow (Southern Area).
The address to the three Principals was given by EComp Eddie Barlow PGStdB, Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals with responsibilities for the Southern Area.
EComp Warwick Davenport PAGSoj and a Founder member of the Chapter delivered the address to the Officers of the Chapter.
EComp Peter Rothwell PGStB delivered the address to the Companions.
All the Companions then retired from the Lodge Room to a splendid Social Board.