Wednesday 8th March, Radcliffe Masonic Hall was witness to a rather rare event. A 60th celebration in the Royal Arch. To be precise it was EComp Fred Nicholson’s PProvGSN 60th celebration.
Derby Chapter No1055 hosted the evening and on such special events you get a special principal guest in the guise of the Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp Paul MA Rose, PGSwdB accompanied by the Second Provincial Grand Principal, EComp David H Thompson, PAGSoj, as third principal the area APGP EComp David Dunn, PProvGSwdB and a provincial delegation of high standing.
60 years in the Royal Arch…….60 years. Fred was initiated into Freemasonry in 1954, by his father. He was exalted into the Royal Arch in 1957. Now for the purposes of transparency I have to say that Fred was initiated and exalted in West Yorkshire but has been an East Lancashire mason since 1977 so I’m sure we can excuse the geography.
The Deputy Grand Superintendent took control of the proceedings in the manner to which we have become accustomed and commanded an excellent ceremony. EComp Mike Gibbons PProvGSwdB, gave a most informative and heartfelt eulogy telling us all of Fred’s Royal Arch career from exaltation to PProvGSN. Fred’s masonic achievements and roles are many fold and should I list them here then you would be reading for a considerable time. Suffice to say that Fred is the real deal.

Fred has introduced, helped and guided numerous masons over the decades many of whom were present to celebrate with him. Once the ceremony was concluded we retired to the social board.
As ever in Radcliffe Masonic Hall the social board was a delight. Good company, good food and good speeches. Fred spoke at some length and I can tell you that I fully intend to be attending his 70th anniversary in 10 years time.

It was a fabulous evening as you would expect. Thank you Derby Chapter for allowing us to share this evening with you and thank you Fred for all you have done for our great fraternity.