Chapter Members along with the Deputy Grand Superintendent EComp Paul Rose and the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, EComp David Bristol.
On Monday 4th September 2017, the Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp Paul Rose attended the convocation of Probity and Freedom Chapter No 367.
Bro Nicholas Charles Clough, aged 46, was exalted to the Degree of a Royal Arch Mason by EComp Rodney Schofield, acting First Principal. EComp John G Hall acted as Principal Sojourner.
EComp Rose gave a very interesting and informative explanation of the Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate to Companions Kenneth Unsworth, Michael Sutton and Nicholas Clough, who were then presented with their certificates.
The Social board was a great success with an atmosphere to match the best of them. The collection for good causes raised £54, and a raffle £95 so a really great night all round.

The 3 recipients of Supreme Grand Chapter Certificates along with the Acting 1st Principal EComp. Rodney Scofield
and the Deputy Grand Superintendent EComp Paul Rose.