On Wednesday 12th March, Derby Chapter No.1055 welcomed Comp Glen Rosser on his exaltation into the Royal Arch.
The evening was made even more special by the presence of the Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals for the Western Area, EComp Peter Faulkner, who joined the Chapter to support the candidate. This event also marked EComp Faulkner’s last official visit before standing down at Provincial Grand Chapter.
Adding to the occasion, EComp Faulkner had the honour of presenting the Chapter with a commemorative plaque celebrating their support and generosity in achieving Grand Patron status for the 2026 Festival. The plaque, an equilateral triangle featuring a Triple Tau, was presented to the First Principal, EComp David Green, who was delighted to accept it on behalf of the Chapter and assured EComp Faulkner that the Chapter would continue to support the Festival.
The evening concluded with a lively social board where a toast was made to the health of EComp Faulkner. In his response, he expressed his gratitude, reflecting on his time serving the Royal Arch and particularly the Western Area.
Once again, a thoroughly enjoyable evening at Derby Chapter!