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Goulburn with Turton Chapter closes on Remembrance Day – how poignant | The Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire Website

“Companions of Goulburn with Turton Chapter”

It was with very mixed feelings that Goulburn with Turton Chapter closed on 11th November –  Remembrance Day – but there was a determination to celebrate all that had been achieved and to remember the good times.
The Chapter was opened in due form by the 1st Principal, EComp James Hulme PProvGSoj. There was then a knock at the door and EComp David Thornton PGStB, Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, accompanied by a Provincial delegation consisting of some of the Acting Officers of the year from Western Area were admitted and welcomed to the Chapter.
With this being the final meeting, the necessary business was transacted and the various proposals were approved by the members.  The 3rd Principal, EComp Phillip Fogg PProvGStB, a long time Scribe E of the Chapter, then delivered a very interesting history of both Goulburn Chapter and Turton Chapter including their merger in 2002.
The 1st Principal then formally handed the Charter of Goulburn with Turton Chapter over to EComp David Thornton AProvGP who stated that he would ensure that it was returned to Supreme Grand Chapter in London.

The Chapter was then closed by the 1st Principal for the final time but before everybody retired EComp Thornton read the closing Eulogy – a copy of which was given to the Scribe E to accompany the minutes of this last meeting.  All then gathered so a photograph could be taken recording for historical purposes all those present.

“Chapter members with the Provincial Delegation consisting of Officers of Supreme Grand Chapter and Acting Provincial Grand Officers from Western area”

The AProvGP then asked all the visitors to form a guard of honour at the door of the Chapter through which all the Companions of the Chapter retired with the First Principal being the last member to leave.   The visitors then retired from the Chapter room with the AProvGP being the last to leave with the Charters in his possession.  He turned out the lights and closed the Chapter door for the last time.

Everybody then retired downstairs to enjoy a superb meal during which EComp Thornton gave every Companion of the Chapter present a copy of the closing eulogy and arranged for those members not present to receive one as well.  Many members present then recalled happy memories of their time in the Chapter and everybody left in a very positive and happy frame of mind but tinged with sadness at the demise of the Chapter.

“Everybody enjoying the final social board”