Monday 6th February saw Hope Chapter No. 54 in full Celebration mode. Held at Richard Street, Rochdale. Almost 40 Companions witnessed a superb evening. The First Principal EComp Bob Codling, opened the Chapter in due form and carried out the normal business of the meeting after which there was a report at the Chapter door. EComp David Bristol, PGStB, the ProvGDC sought admission. On entering he announced that the Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp Paul MA Rose, PGSwdB, together with a Provincial Deputation demanded admission. On entering the Chapter, EComp Rose was greeted by the MEZ and accepted the Sceptre offered by EComp Bob Codling (Z). The ProvGDC, EComp Bristol placed EComp David H Thompson, PAGSoj, the Second Provincial Grand Principal and EComp The Rev’d David Halford, PGStB, the Third Provincial Grand Principal into their respective chairs. The Chapter then gave salutations to EComp Paul MA Rose. EComp Rose thanked the Companions for their salutations. He continued by saying how pleased he was to see so many Companions present, and he was pleased attend the meeting as the Celebrant, EComp William Gow, had been his District Secretary when he had been the District Chairman in Manchester.
The Deputy Grand Superintendent then introduced the Provincial Deputation and the Companions gave a warm applause. The Deputation also included, EComp Len Hayes, the patch APGP, along with the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal Designate, EComp Harvey Basger, PGStB.

The next business was to mark the 50 Anniversary in Royal Arch Masonry of EComp William Gow, PProvGSN (Bill).
EComp Ken Edwards, PProvAGReg, delivered a tribute to EComp William Gow. The Deputy Grand Superintendent then addressed the Companions and presented EComp Gow with his illuminated Certificate for 50 years in Royal Arch Masonry. EComp David H Thompson, PAGSoj, then read the letter from the ME Grand Superintendent saying how pleased he was to be at the Chapter and presenting the letter to Bill.
EComp Len Hayes, then presented Bill with a 50 year pin badge congratulating him on his Anniversary. EComp David Bristol, then paraded EComp Bill Gow around the Chapter room to an acclamation from the Companions present. After the presentation to Bill, a collection for good causes was held.
The First, Second, and Third Chapter Principals took their rightful places in the Chapter and EComp Paul MA Rose accompanied by the deputation retired from the Chapter.
EComp Bob Codling closed the Chapter in due form and all retired to the social board which was a great success with 34 Companions, enjoying an excellent meal and companionship.
The Toast to Bill Gow was given by his old friend EComp Wilfred Hodkinson, PProvGSN.
The evening concluded around 10PM.