The ME Grand Superintendent, along with all present
Hosted by Townley Parker Chapter No 1083
On Thursday 6th October, Townley Parker Chapter No 1083 hosted a joint Convocation for the Manchester Area.
After the regular business of the Chapter was completed, the Chapter received the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent in and over the Province of East Lancashire, EComp Sir David Trippier.
Sir David introduced the members of the deputation who accompanied him:-
The Deputy Grand Superintendent EComp Paul MA Rose, the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal EComp David H Thompson, the 3rd Provincial Grand Principal EComp the Rev’d David J Halford, the Assistants to the Provincial Grand Principals, EComp Paul Aspinall, EComp Eddie Barlow, EComp David Basger, EComp David Dunn and EComp Len Hayes, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies EComp David Bristol, the Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies EComp Tony Kenny and EComp Chris Welton, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Manchester Districts.
Also accompanying the Grand Superintendent were the Past 2nd Provincial Grand Principal EComp Wes Marchant, the Past 3rd Provincial Grand Principal EComp The Rev’d Donald K Price, the Past Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies EComp Henri Lyons and the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal elect EComp Harvey Basger.
The Grand Superintendent thanked Townley Parker Chapter for hosting the joint convocation and warmly welcomed all those attending this very special evening.
Following the introductions, the East Lancashire Royal Arch Presentation Team carried out the Exaltation of Bro Boyd Morwood in an exemplary fashion which was very much enjoyed by all those attending.

EComp David Trippier along with the Three Principals of the Chapter, accompanying the members of the ELRAPT
After the meeting, the Companions retired to the Festive Board where everyone had a splendid and convivial evening.