On Wednesday 4th November, Salford District’s Robert Burns Royal Arch Chapter No 999 played host to EComp Paul MA Rose, PAGSoj, Deputy Grand Superintendent, accompanied by the Second Provincial Grand Principal, EComp David H Thompson, PAGSoj, and the Third Provincial Grand Principal, EComp the Rev’d Donald Keith Pryce, PGStB, along with a Provincial Deputation including the Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals with responsibility for the Salford District, EComp David Basger, PGStB, and his fellow Assistants to the Provincial Grand Principals EComps David Thornton, PGStB, Edward W Barlow, PGStB, and Len Hayes, PGStB, who, with the Chapter members and visitors were there to watch the ELRAD team perform the Ceremony of the Passing of the Veils. The Chapter was opened after a slight delay due to the horrendous traffic problems that afflicted Manchester during the rush hour traffic. Once the initial business of the Chapter was completed the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, EComp David Bristol, announced the Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp Paul MA Rose, PAGSoj, who entered the Chapter accompanied by a distinguished Provincial Deputation.
They were admitted into the Chapter and EComp Rose was offered the Sceptre by EComp John Acaster, PProvGSwdB,  Acting 1st Principal, which, on this occasion, he declined, but thanked EComp Acaster for the offer. EComp Rose then introduced the Deputation who accompanied him.
The business of the evening then recommenced with EComp Acaster announcing the demonstration of the Ceremony of the Passing of the Veils to be performed by the ELRAD Team. The Ceremony was narrated by EComp John Cavanagh, PProvGSN, whose first task was to introduce EComp Dr Richard Johnson, PProvGStB, who gave an Introductory Address setting the scene for the demonstration. The Ceremony then took place and an excellent sight it was with all the cast members playing their allotted roles with an ease and confidence that comes from a well practised team. At the conclusion of the ceremony EComp Dr Richard Johnson gave his closing thoughts on the reviving of the Ceremony of the Veils, which had only been available to be seen in Bristol up until 2010 when Supreme Grand Chapter allowed other Provinces to perform the ceremony, but only once per year.
The Ceremony concluded with the three Principals from Robert Burns Chapter resuming their chairs and the business of the meeting recommenced. A collection for good causes was taken following which the Deputy Grand Superintendent and the Provincial Deputation then retired from the Chapter.
The evening continued with the members and visitors enjoying a very pleasant social board.
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