The Palatine Chapter No. 2447 is a chapter with members from both East and West Lancashire. It meets twice a year, usually once in East Lancashire and once in West Lancashire. Palatine Chapter is one of only a few University Chapters working within the UGLE Universities Scheme, the president of which is Sir David Wootton, Assistant Grand Master and Past Third Grand Principal.
This is a special chapter of which both provinces are extremely proud. Prouder still were the provinces to be honoured by a visit from ME Comp Sir David Wootton at Manchester Hall on Monday 1st April 2019.
Sir David Wootton was accompanied by East Lancashire’s Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Sir David Trippier and many other honoured guests, too many to list. The guests were greeted in fine fashion by the first principal, EComp Paul Renton, the Deputy Grand Superintendent for West Lancashire. Other DGS’s in attendance included, East Lancashire’s Martin Roche and Cheshire’s John Robert Bramley.
The honoured guests were treated to the exaltation of three brothers. The ceremony was performed in a most dramatic of styles well suited to a RA exaltation. The principal sojourner’s role was performed by Chris Armstrong who did a fabulous job which was complemented by an unusually theatrical Mo Afsa, the 2nd Principal.

Once the business of the evening had been concluded all present were treated to an excellent meal at the social board. Great food, company and conversation were the order of the evening.
Sir David Wootton gave a witty and erudite response as did Sir David Trippier. Many of us have seen Sir David Trippier speak, Sir David Wootton is equally as entertaining and sincere. Put them both together and you get the unique banter of a Yorkshire man and Lancashire man. One of the best evenings that Manchester Hall has seen in recent times, of that I am sure.
Special thanks need to be given to the chapter’s Scribe E David Basger and the other members of the chapter who worked so hard to make the evening such a tremendous success.
It should be said that the Palatine Chapter No. 2447, in its present form, is in no small part due to the hard work of our past Deputy Grand Superintendent EComp Paul Rose and is a tribute to his vast legacy which is now experienced in all corners of the Province of East Lancashire.

Report and Pictures by Leigh Rickett