Sir David congratulates MEZ Martin Roche
On Monday, 16th February 2015, the Installation of the Three Principals of Tudor Chapter took place in the Rochdale Masonic Buildings with over 60 Companions attending.
The Chapter was opened and the minutes read and approved; the Almoner and Charity Stewards reports were received, when a report was heard and the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Excellent Companion Henri Lyons, Past Grand Standard Bearer was admitted.
He announced that The Most Excellent the Grand Superintendent, Sir David Trippier RD,JP,DL accompanied by the AProvGP for the Eastern Area, Excellent Companion Ed Cheadle, Past Grand Standard Bearer together with other Companions holding Grand Rank sought admission.
The Provincial Deputation was admitted to the Chapter to music provided by the Excellent Companion Eric Kirkbride who was standing in as the organist for the evening.
The Grand Superintendent was received and welcomed by MEZ EComp Neil Bostock who thanked the MEZ and introduced the ECompanions who had accompanied him.
The assembled Companions then witnessed the installation of the MEZ, H and J for ensuing year, which was followed by the investiture of the officers.
The MEZ EComp Martin Roche then presented Sir David Tripper with a cheque on behalf of the Chapter towards the 2015 Festival.
The work in the Chapter Room was exemplary.
A superb social board followed which was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. The MEGS responded to the toasts and related some personal stories, which had the Companions roaring with laughter, The MEZ congratulated the Companions saying that the Chapter, now in its 163rd year, was a credit to the founder members. He thanked his personal guests and all present for their support.
During the evening a raffle raised around £300 for Masonic charities.
The evening had been a great success and a night to be remembered by all present.
EComp Martin Roche H, The MEGS Sir David Trippier, EComp Neil Bostock Z and EComp Kenny Greer J prior to the installation
The Provincial Delegation
The Provincial Delegation with members of Tudor Chapter
Sir David Trippier addressing the Companions at the festive board