On Monday 22ndOctober 2018 Palatine Chapter No. 2447 joined the UGLE Universities Scheme, where the East and West Lancashire Provinces joined forces to create the fourth Chapter of the scheme in the Country
The Chapter which is proud to have as honorary members the Most Excellent Grand Superintendents of both Provinces, EComp Sir David Trippier and EComp Tony Harrison, meets twice a year, once in East Lancashire and once in West Lancashire and has over 40 members from both Provinces.
This inaugural meeting of the Chapter worked an Installation Ceremony and then exalted three Brethren from Old Mancs with Mount Sinai Lodge into the Order.

Firstly, The Principals were installed in timely fashion. EComp Paul Renton DeptGSupt of West Lancs as First Principal, EComp Mo Afsa, Northern Representative of the Universities Scheme as Second Principal and EComp Barry Jameson, the West Lancs’ 2ndProvGP, as Third Principal. A lot of work had clearly been put into the ceremony, which went flawlessly.
Then came the Exaltation of the three new candidates and what a splendid event. It can be said that the ceremony of exaltation can be genuinely performed in the most theatrical of fashions and when performed correctly and collectively the ceremony is one of the Freemasonry’s most memorable events. This exaltation was truly a spectacle. The rapport between Mo Afsa and the stand-in Principal Sojourner, David Basger, was unique and it can and should be said that the three Exalties were introduced to Royal Arch Masonry in the most excellent circumstances.

Once the business of the evening had concluded the festive board commenced. Fine food, company and conversation were the order of the evening. Sir David’s response was interactive, personal and, as ever, humorous.

The work that had been put in to the evening in its entirety and the efforts of all those involved in making this duel-Province, university scheme Royal Arch Chapter a success cannot be measured, and thanks should be given to all those involved.

A most excellent evening. Those wishing to join this unique Chapter and experience Royal Arch Masonry at its best should refer to the Royal Arch Almanac at https://www.pglel.co.uk/for contact details. A special evening for a special Chapter.
For additional photos click this link
Photos and article by EComp Leigh Rickett