The ME Grand Superintendent, Sir David Trippier, accompanied by the Provincial Deputation and the Three Chapter Principals.

A Joint Convocation was held at Bolton Masonic Hall, under the Banner of Rectitude Holy Royal Arch Chapter, No 5197, on Wednesday 24th February 2016.
The Companions present were privileged by the attendance of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Sir David Trippier, RD, JP, DL.
He was accompanied by the full Provincial team, including the Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp Paul MA Rose, PAGSoj, the Second Provincial Grand Principal, EComp David H Thompson, PAGSoj, and the Third Provincial Grand Principal, EComp Revd Donald K Pryce, PGStB.
The Companions were especially pleased that the Third Provincial Grand Principal, EComp The Revd Donald K Pryce, PGStB, was able to attend, this being his last official duty before he retires after 11 years of service as the Third Principal. We all wish him well in his retirement.
This was also one of the last engagements of our own Western Area, Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, EComp David Thornton, PGStB, he has always been very approachable and a good example to us for the last six years, and we will miss him.
We also had the benefit of the attendance of EComp Thornton’s successor for the Western Area, EComp David Dunn, PProvGSwdB, who is to be appointed at Provincial Grand Chapter on the 17th March.
Within the presentation of “Who Do We Think We Are” all of the ten Holy Royal Arch Chapters of the Bolton & Farnworth District were represented. The 17 Companions from all of the Holy Royal Arch Chapters of the Bolton & Farnworth District undertook the presentation in an efficient manner.

The ME Grand Superintendent, Sir David Trippier, accompanied by the Deputy Grand Superintendent, the 2nd & 3rd Provincial Grand Principals, the Patch APGP, and the members of the Chapter

The evening was a credit to all those Companions who took part, especially the younger Companions who were presenting for the first time and before the most senior members of the Holy Royal Arch in East Lancashire.

The ME Grand Superintendent, Sir David Trippier, accompanied by the Deputy Grand Superintendent, the 2nd & 3rd Provincial Grand Principals,
the Patch APGP, the Three Principals of the Chapter and all the presenters from the various Chapters within the Bolton & Farnworth District

A convivial festive board followed with some interesting speeches from the senior members of the Province.
Our thanks must go to EComp Keith Doyle for his successful organisation, all the Companions who took part, the Three Principals and all the Companions of Rectitude Holy Royal Arch Chapter, No 5197 for their hospitality.