Donation to the Stalybridge Snorkel Club

Donation to the Stalybridge Snorkel Club

L to R: Peter hands the Cheque to Mr Geoffrey Wood, the Club Treasurer Stalybridge snorkelling club has been teaching young children from the age of 7 or 8 how to snorkel. The only requirement for a child is to able to swim four lengths of the 25 metre pool. The Lodge...

Alexandra Lodge 993 Meeting – Friday 11 March 2016

Alexandra Lodge 993 Meeting – Friday 11 March 2016

Bro Arshan Cyrus Soonawalla. Was Raised By WBro Michael Holland In a previous news article on this website last November, it was explained how Alexandra Lodge No. 993, in Audenshaw District had the pleasure to Pass Bro Arshan Cyrus Soonawalla to the degree of a Fellow...



Fantastic food, fantastic entertainment and fantastic service. We were entertained by the comedy duo Schooner with excellent celebrity impressions plus DJ Tyrone and everyone had a really good time. It was a great way to see the old year out and the new year in. A big...

Rose of Lancashire 9174

Rose of Lancashire 9174

The Travelling Gavel is currently residing with the Rose of Lancs; should you wish to liberate it, the lodge meets on the Fourth Friday in January, February, March, April and May. The current WM is John Curley and the Secretary is Michael Porter - email...

The theme is a 3 Lodge Christmas Party

The theme is a 3 Lodge Christmas Party

'After having handed in its Warrant, Fairfield Lodge 7224 joined Good Companions 6005 and Gorton 7657 for their Christmas Party. There were 71 guests altogether who were entertained by the Harmony Revival Barber Shop Choir, with a good variation of both Christmas...

A Passing from Jabalpur

A Passing from Jabalpur

Alexandra Lodge No. 993 with Bro Soonawalla and guests One of the greatest attributes to Freemasonry is its universal acceptance and love towards our fellow human beings and this is exemplified in Freemasonry when we have the honorable opportunity to conduct a...

The Ashton & District Lodge of Installed Masters No 8341

The Ashton & District Lodge of Installed Masters No 8341

Most of the Current Members of ADLIM Lodge The Incongruous thing about the Ashton & District Lodge of Installed Masters, and from now on we shall call it ADLIM as everyone else does, is that it meets at Audenshaw Masonic Hall. The meeting of the Lodge that took...

Southern Area Charity Giving Evening

Southern Area Charity Giving Evening

The Civic Mayor of Tameside, accompanied by WBro John Pearson APGM, surrounded by many of the grant recipients On Friday 4th April 2016, the Freemasons of Audenshaw and Ashton & Mossley Districts came together to hold their ninth Annual Charity Giving Evening....

The Hirsute WBro Chris Bradley

The Hirsute WBro Chris Bradley

WBro and Mrs Bradley, before the deed was done! Chris Bradley is the Secretary of Lodge of Minerva No 300 which meets at Ashton. He is a member of other Lodges and Chapters both at Ashton and Audenshaw and Chris is very well known, especially because, over the last...