The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent and the Provincial Deputation with the Companions of Social Chapter No 62”

On Monday 19th January 2015 Social Chapter No.62 at Manchester, celebrated a personal 50th anniversary in the Royal Arch of one of its oldest members EComp David Herbert Seal, PProvGSN.  However this was no ordinary meeting as Social Chapter is the mother Chapter of our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Sir David Trippier.  Sir David and the birthday celebrant are life long friends, and this was a very special meeting that Sir David had been looking forward to for some time.
The meeting started well with all in attendance enjoying a succulent high table starter with table wine before everyone became robed for the start of the convocation.  Following the meeting being opened in due form, the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent accompanied by a provincial deputation was announced and welcomed in to the Chapter.  Sir David supported by the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, EComp David Thompson, PGStdB and the 3rd Provincial Grand Principal, EComp Rev Donald Pryce, PGStdB occupied the principal chairs of the Chapter.
The celebration began with Sir David addressing EComp David Seal sat in front and facing him.  Sir David explained how long they had been friends and talked fondly of EComp Seal’s father and his family in years gone by.
David Herbert Seal was born 7th April 1935 in Altrincham, Cheshire.  During the war he was evacuated to the Lake District to avoid the air raids in and around Manchester.
Later he attended Prep School in Deganwy, North Wales and later went on to Marlborough College from where he went to work part time on a farm, and fell in love with agriculture especially the tractors, which were made before and after the war years.
He then progressed to Cambridge where he gained a Masters degree in Law, as well as rowing in a college eight and keeping a horse on which he went hunting one or two days a week during the season.  Later he joined with his father in a Manchester stockbroking firm, and was elected a member of the Manchester Stock Exchange in 1956.  Later he specialised in advising clients on tax needs in relation to pension funds, charities and those working and living abroad.
In 1970 EComp Seal moved to become a Finance Director for an international ship owner operating out of Jersey, he moved there with his family expecting to return to Manchester after three to five years, but having progressed to Company Chairman and being involved in several businesses, he eventually retired there after 29 years.  In 1993, after selling those businesses and severing connections of many directorships, he moved back to the ‘Mainland’ to a smallholding to be closer to his family who all live around the Salisbury area.  This was ideal for David to further his interests again in old tractors, as well as a boat, 3 horses and a steam railway locomotive.  He has also taken up carriage driving, and driving for disabled people in and around the New Forest.
EComp Seal followed his fathers Masonic footsteps being initiated into Social Lodge No.62 in 1957, and later exalted into Social Chapter on 8th January 1965.  He served for 14 years on the RMBI council as well as providing services to the ELMC investment committee for several years.  He helped recently with the preparation of the history for the 200th anniversary of Social Lodge.  EComp Seal is also a member of Lodges and Chapters in Jersey and the Province of Hampshire & the Isle of White.
EComp Seal has been married to his wife Juliet for 56 years and has 2 daughters and one son.  They have 10 grand children and are expecting to see their first great grand child this year.  EComp Seal now aged 79 years has in recent years had some serious health episodes, but he and all the companions present were obviously very pleased to see him with us at this special convocation.
Sir David then presented EComp David Seal with his certificate and personal letter of congratulations, following which he was escorted around the Chapter by the Provincial DC EComp Henri Lyons, PGStB to great applause by all the companions present.  Once seated EComp Seal was also presented with a 50th Royal Arch lapel badge by EComp Stephen Blank, PGSwdB the Assistant Provincial Grand Master on behalf of the Manchester Area.
Sir David then invited EComp Stuart Hughes, PGStB the Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals to make a presentation on behalf of the East Lancashire 2015 RMBI Festival.  Addressing EComp Jonathan Forshaw, 1st Principal of the Chapter, EComp Hughes congratulated Social Chapter on becoming the first Chapter in the Manchester and Salford Area, to have a “full house” in donations to the Festival.  Handing over the certificate in recognition of the tremendous effort, made by all 34 members having made personal donations.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent accompanied by the provincial deputation and EComp David Seal then retired from the Chapter.  After the Chapter had closed there was an opportunity for photographs a selection of which are shown below.
00 No 62 Chapter Principals & David Seal
The celebrant EComp Seal with the Chapter Principals – EComp Andrew Jenkins (H); EComp Jonathan Forshaw (Z) and EComp Martin Enwistle (J)
00 No 62 MEGS Prov Prins & David Seal
The Grand Superintendent  with the celebrant EComp David Seal and the 2nd & 3rd Provincial Grand Principals
00 No 62 Chapter & Prov Principals

The Grand Superintendent with the celebrant, the Provincial & Chapter Principals and the patch AProvGP’s EComp Stuart Hughes

This was followed by a very happy and splendid social board.  Following the meal and traditional toasts EComp Grahame Elliot, PGStB provided the companions with more details of EComp Seal’s life history and exploits with much sentiment and joviality, which was well received by all present at this wonderful Royal Arch celebration!