On Monday 25th November 2019 Cromwell with Papyrean Lodge No 5771 hosted “Talking Heads” which was presented in a very interesting and educational way. The Royal Arch presentation team headed up by EComp Harvey Basger did a fantastic job in explaining the natural progression into the Holy Royal Arch, and how it is the completion of Ancient freemasonry. Everyone present benefited from the presentation and the explanation with many existing members of The Holy Royal Arch learning something new whilst none of the secrets where disclosed to potential members.

The evening was well attended with the Craft APGM John Griffin in attendance as well as the Bury District team and several of the Provincial Grand Principals and many Companions.

After the presentation normal Lodge business resumed before everyone present retired and enjoyed a vibrant social board and an excellent meal.

Should you wish to look into joining the Royal Arch please visit this page on our website.
Report and Pictures by Craig Hindle