Wednesday the 22nd November saw over 70 Companions meet at Concord Chapter No 757 to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of EComp Donald Roberts’ exaltation in to Perseverance Chapter No 300 in 1966. This had been deferred from last year.
The Principal Officer for the evening was EComp David Thompson, PAGSoj, Past2ndProvGP, who introduced the delegation which included 17 Grand officers and expressed his delight at the opportunity to officiate at this momentous occasion.
As is tradition on such occasions, EComp Thompson outlined some of the universal acts that had happened in 1966, a very busy year! One of the many highlights was that England beat Germany 4-2 to win the football World Cup final.
The Scribe E of The Chapter of Perseverance, EComp Brian Powell, read the minutes from Comp Roberts’ exaltation and this was followed by a fitting tribute delivered by EComp Norman Clarke, who spoke passionately about Donald’s masonic and personal life, as well as his scouting and sporting activities.
EComp Thompson then proceeded to outline EComp Roberts’ masonic career in both The Craft and Royal Arch. This included an extensive list of offices held. The whole tribute outlined the life of EComp Roberts as both man and Freemason.

EComp Roberts was then presented with an illuminated Certificate, along with a letter of congratulations from the MEGSupt, Sir David Trippier. Following this EComp Eddie Barlow, APGP, presented EComp Roberts with a 50th Lapel Badge. The ‘birthday boy’ was then perambulated around the Chapter to the applause of the assembled Companions.
In honour of the occasion, the chapter then returned their promissory note, which converted their loan of £1000 in to a donation to the Stanley House Development Fund. This was gratefully received.
The festive Board saw the Companions enjoy a wonderful meal, companionship, excellent speeches and fitting responses. EComp Thompson spoke of the delight and how he felt privileged to have been allowed to conduct this wonderful celebration having been due to conduct it a year earlier when he was in office. The toast to EComp Roberts was delivered with sincerity by EComp Allan Bennion.
EComp Roberts response was both heartfelt and humorous, concluding with thanks to Concord Chapter for allowing him to split the proceeds from the raffle, which all present had contributed to, between the Hewlett Court Comfort Fund and Eccleshome’s Amenities Fund, which amounted to £170 each. Two masonic charities which are both close to his heart.

This concluded a momentous day with a wonderful atmosphere and genuine respect for a wonderful gentleman and Mason. We look forward to celebrating his 60th anniversary!
EComp Roberts was heartened by the standing ovation he received from fellow Masons and was proud to be supported by so many.
Author = Niall Perry