On Tuesday, 1st October, the Companions of Union Chapter 268 welcomed a host of distinguished guests to share their celebration. The excitement and anticipation of this splendid event was evident in the chapter room even before the Chapter was opened. A flawless ceremony ensued. Shortly after the chapter was opened, it received the ME Grand Superintendent, EComp Robert I Frankl, accompanied by a Provincial Deputation. The ProvGDC presented the ME Grand Superintendent to the First Principal. The chapter then received EComp Oliver Lodge, TD, PGSN, accompanied by Officers of the Supreme Grand Chapter of England.

EComp Kevin Hall presented a short History of the Chapter. This included a section written in 1974 on the chapter’s 150th anniversary by Harold Holden, the Scribe E at the time; the following paragraph summarises the chapter’s History up to that date.

The Chapter of Union has a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1824. Despite challenges posed by illiteracy and limited resources, the Chapter has persevered and thrived. In its early years, membership was small, and meetings were often cancelled due to lack of participants. However, the chapter adapted to these challenges, introducing emergency meetings to exalt candidates and participate in Masonic balls. Over time, the Chapter’s records have become more detailed, providing valuable insights into its activities and membership. In 1871, the Chapter faced a setback when a candidate was irregularly exalted. However, the Supreme Grand Chapter intervened, requiring the candidate to be re-exalted after the prescribed period. After relocating to Ashton-under-Lyne, the Chapter experienced steady growth, with membership reaching 86. While the Chapter faced challenges, such as declining membership in the 1970’s, it remained active and engaged in Masonic activities. Notable events in the Chapter’s history include the 150th anniversary celebration in 1974, the recognition of long-serving members, and participation in joint convocations with other Masonic bodies.

The Chapter has also been honoured with the service of several Grand Officers, including Frank Fitton O.B.E. PAG Soj., Roland Clegg PGStB, Eric Broadbent PGStB, Peter Douthwaite PGStB, APGP, and others. The Chapter’s success and longevity are a testament to its members’ dedication and hard work throughout its history. With a strong foundation and a commitment to Masonic principles, the Chapter of Union is well-positioned for continued growth and prosperity.

EComp Oliver Lodge presented the Bi-Centenary Charter to the 1st Priciple of the chapter Ecompanion Christopher Cunliffe.

EComp David Hudson, the 3rd Provincial Grand Principal, delivered an oration to celebrate the Union Chapter’s bicentenary. In his address, the 3rd Provincial Grand Principal highlighted the colourful and dramatic nature of the Royal Arch ceremony, drawing inspiration from the biblical story of rebuilding the Second Temple. EComp David Hudson emphasised the importance of the Royal Arch within Freemasonry and the Union Chapter’s significant role in Masonic history. He expressed his hopes for the chapter’s continued success and prosperity.

Bound copies of the Chapter’s History were handed to the Distinguished Guests.

The ME Grand Superintendent requested EComp Andrew Procter,  the ProvGDC, to present EComp Kevin Hall to him. He explained that EComp Kevin Hall had received a provincial promotion just a couple of years ago and that while it was unusual for a companion to receive a second promotion within such a short time, he believed there was no option on this occasion to promote Kevin to the rank of Past Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah.

The First Principal presented the ME Grand Superintendent with a cheque in aid of the 2026 EL Festival.

Once the Chapter had closed, all the companions reassembled in the dining hall, where they enjoyed each other’s company and a delicious meal.