In the Province of East Lancashire there are some old and ancient Royal Arch Chapters worthy of celebration. The Chapter of Perseverance No.345, who meet at Blackburn Masonic Hall, have been meeting for 200 years, same Chapter but different folk, despite what some locals might say.
Wednesday 2ndMay 2018 saw No. 345 gather together with regular visitors, friends. The Deputy Grand Superintendent, Paul Rose was accompanied by the Provincial 2ndand 3rdGrand Principals, Harvey Basger and the Rev’d David Halford along with a Provincial Delegation.
The Chapter room looked spectacular in the Royal Arch colours and was opened by the three principals, John Duckworth, Dr Nigel Bramley-Haworth and David Bedford after which Paul Rose demanded admittance. The Provincial Delegation paraded in and took their places. John Duckworth offered the sceptre to Paul Rose who graciously accepted it taking his place in the 1stPrincipals chair. Harvey Basger and the Rev’d David Halford followed suit and so began the dedication to the 200 years of the Chapter of Perseverance.
The celebration included an address from Paul Rose, the history of the Chapter, and an oration by the Rev’d David Halford.

It was then Paul Rose’s great pleasure, on behalf of the Grand Superintendent, Sir David Trippier, to present Brian Hartwell with a provincial promotion from Past Provincial Deputy Grand Sword Bearer to Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer. Brian had no idea this was to occur which made the promotion even more special for him and an honour for the Chapter.

Once the delegation had retired the Chapter was closed and the Festive board opened. All the visitors from near and afar were treated to the classic Blackburn hospitality.

The atmosphere was great and fitting to the occasion. The toasts and responses were articulate and hit the mark.

A thoroughly grand evening was had by all. The members of 345 are to be thanked for inviting us to share their evening and congratulated for making it so special.

Report by Leigh Rickett