EComp Paul Aspinall, APGP & Mrs Beryl Aspinall

Over 100 Ladies, Gentlemen, Brethren and Companions attended the 2016 Royal Arch Dinner on the 29th April, at Nelson House, Burnley. As previously, the occasion was supported by EComp Paul Aspinall, APGP and WBro John Farrington, APGM, together with their delightful wives, Mrs Beryl Aspinall and Mrs Christine Farrington.

A sumptuous Nelson House four course meal was efficiently served and thoroughly enjoyed by all present. The introduction of a table quiz, for teams of four people, proved highly popular, with answers being swopped backwards and forwards, amidst a great deal of merriment. Mobile phones, not that anyone would use them, were banned.

After the meal, a short presentation was given by EComp Trevor Thomas, PProvDGDC, the Royal Arch District Officer for Burnley and Pendle. This was naturally optional, although a considerable number of guests took the opportunity to find out a little more about this beautiful Order. Indeed two Brethren avowed that they would join the Royal Arch as soon as their time and circumstances would permit, so the time was not wasted.

The singer for the evening, Scott Mac, took to the stage and very soon had an audience of eager dancers. After his first session, EComp Phil Preston, the Master of Ceremonies started the raffle draw, aided and abetted by Mrs Valerie Thomas. On offer were some valuable prizes, including golfing days for four persons, expensive bottles of wine and spirits and large boxes of chocolates, the draw finishing with twelve lovely floral table decorations.

Answer sheets for the table quiz were passed out and the winners, albeit by just one point, were WBro Alan and Mrs Mary Haigh and WBro Gordon and Mrs Jean Brear, who took two bottles each of white and red wine as a reward for their efforts. Our singer resumed his act and regaled the guests with a varied selection of music, all beautifully performed.
When the evening drew to a close, EComp Paul Aspinall thanked all those Companions who had taken part and helped to make the event such a resounding success.

EComp Trevor Thomas RADO, presents a cheque to the Nelson House Refurbishment Fund

The Royal Arch Dinner was conceived as a low cost, high value fixture, which would provide a formal, yet relaxing evening, open to all but showcasing the Royal Arch. It relies on sponsorship in order to “balance the books”. However, on this occasion the receipts from the raffle, together with a number of donations, enabled a cheque for £500 to be presented to EComp Phil Preston at Borough and Ashlar Lodge a few days later. Thanks to the generosity of all who contributed, this sum will now be used to enhance and improve the Nelson House building, by means of the Refurbishment Fund, so it will be even better when the event is held there next year.