At its Convocation on Thursday 2 March 2017 Alexandra Chapter No 993 celebrated the 150th Anniversary of its Consecration on 20 September 1866.
The Chapter was opened by the Three Principals, EComp Brendan F Harte PProvGSN (MEZ), EComp Brian Durkin PProvGSN (H) and EComp Dr Martin J Schwarz PProvAGSoj (J).
After the usual business of the Chapter had been dealt with, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, EComp David Bristol PGStB, reported that the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent Sir David  Trippier, RD, JP, DL, accompanied by a Provincial Deputation was without and demanded admission. Accompanying Sir David Trippier were EComp Paul MA Rose PGSwdB, the Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp David H Thompson PAGSoj, the Second Provincial Grand Principal, EComp the Rev’d David J Halford PGStB, the Third Provincial Grand Principal, EComp David Basger PGStB, Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals for the Manchester Area,  EComp J Christopher Welton PProvGSwdB, APGM for the Manchester Area, EComp Martin Roche PGStB, the Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra, EComp Chris Prax Prov1stAGSoj, the Manchester City Sykes Chairman, EComp Steven Boyle ProvGSwdB and EComps Charles Ward ProvGStB and Len Pike ProvGStB.
On this special occasion, Sir David then promoted the Chapter Treasurer, EComp Keith Hatton from PProvDepGSwdB to PProvGSN.  EComp Hatton was perambulated around the Chapter with a standing ovation from the Companions.
The Chapter Charity Steward, EComp Robert Frankl PGStB, then presented Sir David with a cheque for £993 as a donation to the East Lancashire Masonic Charity. Sir David thanked the Companions for this excellent donation.
You can read the Oration given HERE
You can read a précis of the History of the Chapter HERE
The Companions retired and enjoyed a very happy and vibrant Social Board.

Provincial Deputation, Officers and Companions of the Chapter
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent and EComp Brendan Harte with the 150 year Certificate