Sir David Wooton with Sir David Trippier and the Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire MEGS

Two of our East Lancashire Lodges are members of the United Grand Lodge of England Universities Scheme, namely Old Mancunians with Mount Sinai and Golbourne Menturia. Also in the scheme is the Apollo University Lodge of Oxford.
When EComp Paul Rose, our Deputy Grand Superintendent, heard that the Apollo Chapter were in need of a set of RA Banners he was pleased to help out by arranging to supply a set in the name of the Provincial Grand Chapter of East Lancashire.
On 6th May, a deputation went from Manchester to Oxford to officially present the banners. The deputation included Sir David Trippier, EComp Paul Rose, EComp Revd. David Halford, EComp David Thompson accompanied by five companions from Golbourne Menturia and four from Old Mancunians.
The Apollo Chapter was honoured by the presence of Sir David Wooton, Past 3rd Grand Principal and President of the Universities Scheme. Also in attendance were the MEGS of Oxfordshire, together with twelve Active Provincial Officers, and the MEGS of Cambridgeshire.
After the morning Chapter, where the banners were presented and dedicated, the companions dined at the Oxford Union, before attending the Craft Lodge where they witnessed the working of seven raisings and seven initiations.
After a long day the East Lancashire team arrived back at Manchester Hall at 1.30am on Sunday morning.

The new banners form a backdrop for this picture sent by Apollo Chapter