Crossroads Care, Ribble Valley are based in Clitheroe, Lancashire. 28 years ago the charity started providing specialist support to carers. This work has evolved to include the provision of care to all ages.
The charities values are Compassion, Respect and Dignity, Trust, high-Quality care delivered by Skilled care workers who provide care services that includes: Personal Care, Social Support, End of Life, Dementia and Respite, Learning Disabilities and Family Support.
At a recent East Ribble District Charity Stewards’ meeting WBro Derek Harwood from Keep Lodge in Clitheroe proposed that the charity would benefit from the District’s support. All of the Charity Stewards recognised the vital work in the community that the charity performs and they agreed to donate £200.
WBro Harwood presented Jane Williamson who is the manager of Crossroads Care, Ribble Valley with the cheque for £200.