EComp Paul Aspinall, PGStB, APGP, addressing the visiting Brethren

On Friday, 15th May, Brethren from Craft Lodges across the East Ribble District, who are not currently Royal Arch Masons, were invited to an Open Evening to raise awareness and an introduction to Royal Arch Freemasonry.

The District were delighted to welcome EComp David H Thompson PAGSoj, our Second Provincial Grand Principal, who was accompanied by a very special guest, the Deputy Grand Superintendent for Cumberland and Westmorland EComp Peter Mason PGSwdB.

Rather than giving the Brethren a simple talk and presentation, they were taken on a wonderful, multi sensory journey, designed to demonstrate just why the Craft and Royal Arch are inextricably linked

19 & ScN

Introduction of the roles of the Scribe Ezra and Scribe Nehemiah

The allegorical journey included audio and video, as well as presentations from the Three Principals, Scribes and the Sojourners, to tell the story leading to the completion of the Third Degree.

19 Chapter room

The Chapter room prepared for the Brethren to listen to the roles of the Three Principals

Beginning in the Lodge Room where our Narrator EComp Gordon McMillan, District Officer Royal Arch, took the Brethren through the end of the Third Degree. From there, EComp Alun Davies, District Officer Royal Arch, acting as the Principal Sojourner, guided our guests on the remainder of the journey throughout the building at Mill House Masonic Hall.

At the end of the experience, the 20 visiting brethren assembled in the Festive Board Room and were thanked for their attendance and informed of the routes into the Royal Arch in the various Halls in the District and beyond, should they choose to venture beyond our borders!

19 DH Thompson

EComp David H Thompson PAGSoj, Second Provincial Grand Principal, congratulating EComp Aspinall and his team for their initiative and the Brethren for supporting the evening

The evening concluded with refreshments, where the Brethren talked informally with the Companions over a cup of coffee … Or something stronger.

19 Social

An opportunity for informal discussions with the Brethren about the Royal Arch