EComp P Aspinall, PGStB, APGP, presenting the 50th Certificate to EComp WA Young, along with the MEZ of the Chapter.
Padiham Masonic Hall was filled with Royal Arch Masons on 14th October, 2015. The occasion was the 50th Anniversary of the Exaltation of EComp William Albert Young, PProvGSN, into the Royal Arch. A Provincial Delegation was headed by EComp Paul Aspinall, PGStB, APGP, accompanied by EComp John Farrington PGStB, together with a bevy of Grand and District Officers.
EComp Aspinall was greeted by the Principals of the Chapter, after which he reminded EComp Young of some of the events which occurred during the year in which he was Exalted, leading many in the room to wonder where the time had gone. EComp Young’s Masonic history was then read out, leaving no one in any doubt as to why he holds the highest possible Provincial ranks in both the Royal Arch and Craft.
EComp Fred Whitworth, PProvGSwdB, then delivered a short, but highly entertaining tribute, reminding the assembly that William Albert Young was never “William, Bill or Billy, always Albert”. He also referred to the lengthy and unstinting service given to Masonry by his good friend over many years, as well as his attachment to the Padiham building.
The Festive Board saw a continuation of the approbation of the Companions for a remarkable Royal Arch Mason, who is an example to us all, EComp Albert Young.