Our 3 Outgoing Principals looking relaxed at the Practice Prior to the Installation

Monday 3rd April 2017 saw The Chapter of Hope No. 54’s Installation meeting held at Richard Street, Rochdale where almost 30 companions witnessed a superb evening. The First Principal, EComp Bob Codling PProvGStB, opened the Chapter in due form and then received the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal EComp Harvey Basger PGStB, accompanied by a Provincial Deputation.
On entering the Chapter, for his first installation visit since his appointment, EComp Basger was greeted by the MEZ and offered the Sceptre which he graciously declined to accept.  After receiving salutations EComp Basger gave thanks and said how pleased he was to see so many Companions present. He continued by saying that he looked forward to an excellent evening at The Chapter of Hope and went on to introduce the Provincial Deputation which included the District Chairman EComp Peter Rhodes, the ProvDepGDC EComp Ian Paul and seven Acting Provincial Officers of the Year.
The MEZ, EComp Bob Codling rose and thanked the Officers and Companions of the Chapter for their support during his years in office and then introduced the next business which was to install EComp CG Adamson into the 1st Principal’s Chair, EComp I Beswick into the 2nd Principal’s Chair, and EComp I A Dugdale into the 3rdPrincipal’s Chair.
The Installation Ceremony went well and EComp Adamson, who has been a member of Hope Chapter for more than 30 years, was installed into the First Principal’s chair.
After the appointment of all the Officers of the year the Valedictory Address was given by EComp Ian Dugdale and then EComp Adamson closed the Chapter in due form.
The subsequent Social Board was a great success with 27 Companions enjoying an excellent meal in convivial surroundings. EComp Basger replied, referred and responded to toasts 3, 4 and 5 after which he wished the Chapter Principals and the members a very successful and healthy year in office. The toast to the 3 Principals was given by the IPZ Bob Codling.
The evening concluded around 9.50PM

The 3 Principals along with the new 2nd Provincial Grand Principal EComp Harvey Basger PGStB, accompanied by a Provincial Deputation.