Kenneth Laidlaw, a Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies of the Province of East Lancashire and a Past Provincial Grand Registrar of the Province of Durham, is a mainstay personality within the Province. A member of many appendant orders, his knowledge of masonry is second to non.
Tuesday 24thApril 2018 saw the Chapter of Unanimity No.42 celebrate Ken’s Golden Jubilee in the Royal Arch with the area Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, David Dunn presiding over proceedings.
As you can imagine, a great many Companions attended to celebrate with Ken. Golden Jubilees in the Royal Arch are rare and special events and this evening was no exception.

The minutes of Ken’s Exaltation which was performed in St Bebe Royal Arch Chapter No.1119 in Durham were read. Geoffrey Clare gave the Tribute after which David Dunn, on behalf of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Sir David Trippier, presented Ken with a certificate.

Once the business of the evening was completed the companions attended the Festive Board where that special Royal Arch atmosphere was thick and joyous. Ken was treated to an evening he will never forget and as ever was gracious in the spot light.

Thanks must be given to the Chapter who arranged a magnificent evening, and thanks also to Ken for allowing us all to share his event and celebrate with him.

Report by Leigh Rickett