Philip Westwood received his Celebratory Certificate from the Second Provincial Grand Principal, EComp Harvey Basger, and the Acting First Principal of the Chapter, EComp Allan Bennion.
At a recent meeting of Waverley Chapter No 1322 EComp Philip Joseph Westwood PProvDepGSwdB celebrated 60 years in the Royal Arch.
A large number of past officers of Supreme Grand Chapter together with many Provincial and District Officers attended the meeting, which would have been a real pick-me-up for Phil who has not had the best of health of late. The Chapter was honoured to welcome the Second Provincial Grand Principal, EComp Harvey Basger PAGSoj who conducted the celebration. He was very ably supported by EComp Gerry Hodson, recently appointed Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, and EComp Allan Bennion PGSwdB, a Past Deputy Grand Superintendent, who took the Chair of the Chapter for the opening and closing of the meeting.

A mass of Royal Arch Masons attended the meeting to celebrate Philip’s 60thAnniversary in the Royal Arch.
We all had a really good time, a very pleasant lunch and we basked in the good company of our Companions, as did Philip. Philip Westwood is, and always has been an excellent Royal Arch Mason, who is truly respected by all who know him. He deserved an excellent celebration, and he got it.

Members of Waverley Chapter
Photographs and Words © Kevin Hall. DCO Ashton & Mossley District