Roclyffe Lodge No.5198

Roclyffe Lodge No.5198

Worshipful Master - WBro B.J.Gilman PProvJGW On Thursday 29th September, Roclyffe Lodge No 5198 was pleased to receive The Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Peter Hewitt, PSGD, accompanied by a District Deputation. This was a very special occasion for the Lodge...

Kitchener 3788 Installation

Kitchener 3788 Installation

The Installation of WBro John Whitfield kicked off a busy period at Kitchener Lodge 3788. In the presence of the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Norman Cope,PAGD, District Chairman, Terry Kakoullis and Deputy District Chairman, Peter Jones, WBro Eric Holliday...

Another Acting Grand Lodge Honour for Bury District

Another Acting Grand Lodge Honour for Bury District

For the second year in a row the Bury District has huge honour in announcing one of our own receiving an acting Grand Rank. WBro Dr Simon Archer ProvSGW was yesterday installed as Assistant Grand Standard Bearer (AGStB) an acting rank he more than deserves. Simon...

Derby Chapter No 1055 Celebrates 150 Years

Derby Chapter No 1055 Celebrates 150 Years

The Deputy Grand Superintendent, the Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals and the Companions of Derby Chapter On Wednesday 28 September there was hardly an empty seat at Radcliffe Masonic Hall when Derby Chapter celebrated 150 years since it’s consecration....

Charity Stewards Walk

Charity Stewards Walk

The annual Charity Stewards Walk took place on Sunday September 18th. The Tolkien Trail starts at Hurst Green, past Stonyhurst College and on to the river Hoder at Cromwell's Bridge before winding its way to the finish at the Shireburn Arms Hotel in Hurst Green. The...

Bi-Centenary Celebration at Charity Lodge 350

Bi-Centenary Celebration at Charity Lodge 350

Thursday 15th September at Farnworth Masonic Hall saw the new masonic season get off to a bang with the much anticipated bi-centenary of Charity Lodge 350. Together with easily over 80 Freemasons in an absolutely packed (and hot!) Lodge room, the Right Worshipful...

East Ribble Visit to Hewlett Court

East Ribble Visit to Hewlett Court

Several East Ribble District Freemasons, accompanied by their wives/partners, recently took a trip over to see the excellent facilities at our wonderful Provincial retirement home Hewlett Court. Mrs Julie Ward, Director of Operations for the ELMC, based at Hewlett...

Trailer Training

Trailer Training

The Bolton & Farnworth District Chairman WBro Terry Kakoullis, accompanied by WBro Bob Findlay and WBro Peter Jones attended a training session on the new East Lancashire Publicity trailer. This was held on Saturday 10th September at Rossendale Masonic hall,...