Provincial Grand Chapter Meeting

Provincial Grand Chapter Meeting

A very special day in the calendar for all East Lancashire Freemasons, but, for 11 companions from Audenshaw District it started with excitement and anticipation. At the Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Chapter held at Blackburn on 19 March 2015, EComp William J...

Joint Convocation at 3 Shires Chapter No 9397

Joint Convocation at 3 Shires Chapter No 9397

The Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp William J Porter PGSwdB, together with EComp Norman Clarke PGStB, the APGP for the Southern Area On Tuesday, 25th February more than eighty companions of the Royal Arch came together for two distinctly different, but equally...

East Lancs Royal Arch Presentation Team are to attend Euclid Lodge

Royal Arch Old English/Lancashire Night

Details Booking Form**NEW** The intention is to have a really enjoyable evening whilst raising the profile of the Royal Arch and hopefully, longer term, to attract new members. As such the event is open to all Masons (especially non RA members) their wives, partners,...

Western Area Recruitment Meeting

Western Area Recruitment Meeting

WBro Mo Afsa addresses the meeting On the evrening of May 24th some 40 brethren from the Districts of Bury and Bolton met together at Radcliffe Masonic Hall for a presentation on recruitment by WBro Mo Afsa, the Provincial Recruitment Officer. Mo gave an excellent...



Friday 13th is normally a day that forebodes a certain amount of trepidation. Well Friday 13th May 2016 was a day I had been looking forward to for months. The Bury District Dinner and what a good do it was. Held at Radcliffe Masonic Hall the evening went without a...

Ploughman's Lunch

Ploughman's Lunch

On Sunday 8th May the Lodge of Faith ladies committee hosted the lodge members and their friends in their annual "Ploughman's" Lunch at Radcliffe Masonic Hall, at which they provided a very ample and enjoyable lunch There were some 50 members and non-members present....

Banner Dedication at Bury Lodge of Relief No 42

Banner Dedication at Bury Lodge of Relief No 42

We, in the craft, do not often have Banner Dedications. I certainly have never been to one. That we rectified last Wednesday, 20th April when I visited Bury Lodge of Relief No.42 for their Banner Dedication. Before I mention the folk present and the atmosphere etc...

A New DORA for Bury District

A New DORA for Bury District

I know this has been mentioned on the PGLEL website, Facebook and at PGC but just in case you missed the news, Bury District have a new DORA (District Office of the Royal Arch). EComp Roger Bowden PProvGStB. Firstly can I give the most heart felt thanks on behalf of...

Lions Roaring at the success of their Flood Relief Fund

Lions Roaring at the success of their Flood Relief Fund

Money is still flooding into the fund that was set up to help the many people who had to leave their homes when the floods invaded them on Boxing Day – and the flow of money is increasing thanks to the lodges of local Freemasons. The latest large sums have come from a...

Installation at the Lodge of Merit 934

Installation at the Lodge of Merit 934

WBro Ian Hargreaves, IPM, WBro Michael Holland, WBro Mike Gibbons and WBro Steve Barton, Bury District Chairman Saturday March 12th was a very special day at the Lodge of Merit, meeting at Bury Masonic Hall, when for the third time WBro Mike Gibbons, PJGD, PastAPGM,...