On Thursday 22nd February 2024, Felicity Lodge 4365 hosted “Talking Heads” which was presented excitingly, educationally, and very enjoyably. The Royal Arch presentation team presented a play which describes the ceremony of exhalation, why the Royal Arch is important and the jewel that companions wear in craft lodges.

With a full Lodge Room of almost 100 Brethren and Companions, Felicity Lodge 4365 opened their Meeting, and welcomed WBro Paul O’Carroll, APGM for the City East Area, with salutations. Worshipful Master Dr M Patel then offered the Gavel to the APGM who promptly returned it and took his seat to enjoy the evening.

Before the Start APGM WBro Paul O’Carroll presented the Lodge with an engraved gavel in honour of becoming a Grand Patron for the amount they have raised toward the 2026 festival.

Part instructive and educational, always fun, this ensemble offers a taster for those not (yet) in the Royal Arch (Chapter), and a reminder to those lapsed Companions what they have been missing. The play was set in the changing room outside a Lodge room and there was a conversation between a newly raised brother and two experienced brethren who are members of the Royal Arch. The explanation and narration of the demonstration were superb, and I think everyone would agree that all the brethren present advanced their Masonic knowledge.

EComp Harvey Basger Deputy Grand Superintendent then took the floor and did a fantastic job in explaining the natural progression into the Royal Arch, and how it is the completion of Ancient freemasonry and a step that should not be missed.

A fabulous Social Board followed lofty standards; excellent food and drink, amusing Toast, and witty Responses all had a wonderful time. Finally, as we all bid farewell, good night and toasted to our next merry meeting,

We all felt a mutual feeling of Companionship – and that my Brethren/Companions… that was really what the whole night was about!