Place2Be Cheque Presentation

Place2Be Cheque Presentation

WBro John Farrington Presents the cheque to Carol Crawley – Parent Counsellor, with WBro David Lightbrown, WBro Paul Thornton the Parent Governor and pupils of Pendle Primary Academy WBro John Farrington, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Northern Area...

“An Installation Full of Surprises”

“An Installation Full of Surprises”

Surprised and Installed Friday the 5th of February saw yet another Land Mark Day for the history of this thriving Lodge when Bro. Dennis Higginson was installed in the Chair of King Solomon. A packed Lodge Room witnessed the Installation of this popular Mason who is...

Roses Lodge No. 5140 – Two Historic Events

Roses Lodge No. 5140 – Two Historic Events

Left to right Bro Speak, Bro Eddleston, The WM WBro Michael J Squires, Bro Kawaja & Bro Fortune In 1935. Roses Lodge recorded a double passing ceremony in their minute book. Some Eighty Years later on the 20th October, 2015, Brothers Ian Kenneth Fortune and...

Sixty Years in Freemasonry – WBro Brian Bint PProvJGD

Sixty Years in Freemasonry – WBro Brian Bint PProvJGD

The Deputation, Lodge Members and Guests On Friday 3rd June, Manchester Hall was the venue for a special evening when the Brethren and guests of Cornucopia Lodge No. 4553 celebrated 60 years in Freemasonry of WBro Brian Bint PProvJGD. The Lodge having been duly opened...