Open Day at Ashton & Mossley

Open Day at Ashton & Mossley

Ashton & Mossley District Freemasons Tercentenary Open Day and Community Fun Day   Our 300th Birthday Community Celebration. FREE ADMISSION, FREE GAMES, FREE EVENTS AND DISPLAYS. Brass Band, Bouncy Castles, Latin Steps Aladdin Dance Team, Fencing Displays, Classic...

Preparations for September’s Open Days

Preparations for September’s Open Days

WBro’s Ian Whitehead and Syd Halliday, happy in their work. In preparation for the Tercentenary Open Days on the 9th and 10th of September, work has begun on the refurbishment of the main dining room (Rink Suite) at Hemsley House. Those involved in the work included...

Accrington Masonic Hall White Table Evening

Accrington Masonic Hall White Table Evening

The third of five planned East Ribble District White Table evenings being held at all Halls/rooms across the East Ribble District, took place at Accrington Masonic Hall on Wednesday the 7th of June. Approximately 80 were in attendance which included the Assistant...

Full Steam Ahead in Slaidburn

Full Steam Ahead in Slaidburn

The provincial trailer had another outing at the Slaidburn Steam Rally and Classic vehicle Display, held over the weekend of June10 and 11th. It was manned by Brethren of Limestone Rock Lodge No. 369 of Clitheroe, with a guest appearance by WBro Andy Bain and his wife...

Hosted Meeting at Arcturus Lodge, No.7252, Salford

Hosted Meeting at Arcturus Lodge, No.7252, Salford

On Monday the 8th May, Arcturus Lodge, No.7252, played host to the RW Provincial Grand Master, Sir David Trippier, RD, JP, DL, a Provincial Deputation, members of the District team and Masons from across the Province. They were all there to see the Education and...

Ecclesholme Gala Dinner Returns Home

Ecclesholme Gala Dinner Returns Home

The Association of the Friends of Ecclesholme held their annual dinner recently having been hosted alternatively in East and West Lancashire. The event returned to its inaugural home care of Leigh Masonic Hall. The concept was first floated by Leigh Mason Jim Sims in...

Trailer Induction Course

Trailer Induction Course

On Saturday 3rd June 2017, at Ashday Lea, some fifteen brethren from Districts across the Province attended a further induction on use of the Provincial Trailer. This included all aspects of towing and setting up the trailer on site, including more flexibility of the...

Talking Heads Presentation

Talking Heads Presentation

Talking Heads Presentation: The Next Step – In to the Royal Arch: Borough and Ashlar Lodge No 4858: On Wednesday 3rd May 2017, Borough and Ashlar Lodge No 4858, in the Burnley and Pendle District, hosted a Provincial Team who were to present “Talking Heads - The Next...

Salford's Tercentenary Ball

Salford's Tercentenary Ball

Salford District had a Ball Saturday 6th May saw the Salford District lodges celebrate the Tercentenary of Freemasonry by hosting a Ball at Hemsley House, Salford for the brethren, non-masons and their ladies. The evening started with the reception at 6pm, with all...

Great Harwood Agricultural Show 2017

Great Harwood Agricultural Show 2017

The Provincial trailer was once again part of this years Great Harwood Agricultural show, held on Spring Bank Holiday Monday. Despite the ominous grey skies, the weather was mainly dry, which encouraged many show patrons to enjoy a fun packed day which included...