Scottish Rite 3rd Degree Ceremony Demonstration

Scottish Rite 3rd Degree Ceremony Demonstration

In a rare event, Lodge of Dumfries Kilwinning 53 ventured south to wow the Brethren and visitors of Antiquity 146 to demonstrate, in their own stylish manner, the 3rd degree ceremony. To say it was brilliant is an understatement. With all the poise and skill of a...

ELMC Grant to Egerton County Primary School

ELMC Grant to Egerton County Primary School

As technology continues to advance with more and more sophisticated equipment available, especially to the younger generation, then it is perhaps inevitable that the latest electronic techniques should be available to the teaching staff in our schools. The staff at...

ELMC presentation at the East Ribble District Meeting

ELMC presentation at the East Ribble District Meeting

A district meeting is not normally a newsworthy event, but the meeting of the East Ribble District on the 22nd March at Accrington Masonic Rooms was a little different. The audience of around 50 Brethren and guests were treated to a wonderful presentation on the ELMC...

Association of The Friends of Ecclesholme

Association of The Friends of Ecclesholme

 Stan  and Harry At the Association meeting recently, the Chairman and Treasurer of the West Lancashire Masonic Charity Bowling Tournament, namely Harry Cox and Len Hart were present. Also in attendance was Laurie Scott, President of Tithebarn. All were welcomed by...

Special Meeting at Internet Lodge 9659

Special Meeting at Internet Lodge 9659

Internet Lodge No. 9659 Installation Meeting and Celebration of Fifty Years in Freemasonry for WBro Satinder Lal PSGD Brethren from across Europe, America and the UK attended the Installation meeting of Internet Lodge on Saturday 18 March at Manchester Hall Bridge...

Address of Sir David Trippier MEGS for East Lancashire

Address of Sir David Trippier MEGS for East Lancashire

Address of the ME Grand Superintendent At Provincial Grand Chapter At King George’s Hall, Blackburn 16th March 2017 Companions, my sincere thanks to you all for coming today. As always, I wish to express my sincere thanks to the Deputy Grand Superintendent, the Second...

ELMC Grant to Salle Angelo Fencing Club

ELMC Grant to Salle Angelo Fencing Club

On Thursday 9th March, WBro Kenny Greer, the Rochdale District Charity Steward, arranged to visit members of Salle Angelo Fencing Club at Heywood Sports Centre to see how an ELMC grant which allowed them to purchase two new electronic scoring sets had benefited them....

Joint Convocation hosted by the Chapter of Union No 268

Joint Convocation hosted by the Chapter of Union No 268

The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent with the Provincial Delegation It is quite possible that the Chapter of Union No 268, consecrated in August 1824, is the oldest Royal Arch Chapter in the Southern Area. Fortunately, it is still going strong and it was,...

Kitchener 3788 Centenary Celebration

Kitchener 3788 Centenary Celebration

On Monday 13th March 2017, Kitchener Lodge 3788 celebrated their centenary. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Sir David Trippier was in attendance along with a provincial delegation to support this wonderful milestone in the Lodge's history. Formed from...