Rather than working on buildings like the masons of old, today’s Freemasons focus on building themselves as people of integrity, and membership provides the structure to help achieve that goal.


One of the oldest social organisations in the world, Freemasonry is not defined by an ideology. It is open to people from all religions and political persuasions, and provides the common foundation for friendships between members, many of which will last for life.


With a membership of more than 200,000 people drawn from communities across the UK, Freemasonry brings people together irrespective of their race, religion or any other perceived differences that can divide us as a society


Whether participating in events, fundraising for a charitable cause or volunteering for public or community organisations, service is at the very heart of Freemasonry. Our members make valuable contributions by donating time, resources and skills.

Welcome to the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire website.

This site has been designed to provide an insight into Freemasonry and we sincerely hope it will be of high interest to both Freemasons and non-Freemasons alike.

Here you will find information on what it is to be a Freemason, our proud history, how to join, what charitable works we’re involved with and coming social events. For a more complete view of current news and events, plus the views and opinions of our many members, please visit our social media pages.

You’re also welcome to contact us anytime if you have any queries.

Begin Your Journey

There are probably as many explanations of Freemasonry as there are Freemasons and every member will be able to tell you exactly what Freemasonry means to them.

Click Here


We are all well initiated on the importance of Charity, It is now our time to give something back. The Province hopes to have raised £2.4 M by the end of the Appeal and we can only achieve this with your help.

Click Here

Passing of the Veils Ceremony at Blair Chapter 815, Hemsley House Monday 27 January 2025

We are thrilled to invite you to a truly unique event on Monday, 27 January 2025, as Blair Chapter 815 hosts the Passing of the Veils Ceremony at the magnificent Hemsley House.

What Makes This Special?

In Bristol’s Exaltation ceremony, the candidate passes through four veils, each revealing deeper spiritual and philosophical truths. This rare and distinguished ceremony will be performed by the East Lancashire Royal Arch Demonstration Team (ELRAPT) in the new Chapter room at Salford Masonic Hall Hemsley House.

Celebrating Roger Bowers’ 50 Years of Dedication: A Milestone in Masonry

In the journey of life, few commitments stand the test of time. Yet, in Freemasonry, we often find remarkable individuals whose devotion stretches across decades, symbolising the enduring values of...

Garnet Harrison: 50 Years in Freemasonry

It was a chilly mid-December evening, and the brethren gathered at Manchester Hall for a special occasion. The room was filled with warmth and anticipation as Freemasons gathered to celebrate a...

Southern Area APGM makes a pastoral visit to Three Shires Lodge

The festive spirit undoubtedly permeates the Masonic calendar, and the Festive Board following the meeting of Three Shires Lodge was a prime example. The occasion was further enhanced by the...

Passing Ceremony hosted by Werneth Lodge 6163

On December 4, 2024, lodges from the Eastern and Southern Areas gathered to honor Brother Ike D’Cruz with a passing ceremony.  Ike’s mother lodge, Denton Lodge 5234, has several candidates waiting...

A Historic Day for East Lancashire Light Blue Masons in East Lancashire

A Historic Day for East Lancashire Light Blue Masons: The Procession into Provincial Grand Lodge and the Launch of the East Lancashire Light Blue Club On a crisp snowy autumn morning in Blackburn,...

Southern Area Carol Service

           As has become a cherished tradition on the first Sunday in December, freemasons from the Southern area gathered to hold their annual Carol service. This year, the event was hosted at the...

A Night to Remember: The Tie and Tinsel Dinner 2024

The grand Cloister Suite of the Holiday Inn, Bolton, was unrecognisable. Twinkling fairy lights draped across the ceilings, glittering centrepieces adorned every table, and a warm hum of excitement...

Provincial promotions at Solidarity Lodge 7885

At the regular Lodge meeting on Thursday 28 November the WM, Bro Gerry Hill, congratulated the members of the Lodge who had been promoted at Provincial Grand Lodge ten days before. Unusually the two...

William (Bill) Bell: A Journey Through 50 Years of Freemasonry

On Friday, the 22nd of November 2024, Members of Cornucopia Lodge, joined by the City East Area APGM Paul O'Carroll, assisted by an area deputation and family and friends of William (Bill), all...

An Evening of Fun & Fellowship at the Lodge of Silent Temple No. 126

It was a crisp autumn evening at the majestic Manchester Hall, its storied walls glowing under the soft golden light that bathed Bridge Street. Inside, brethren and guests gathered in anticipation...

What our Brethren Say

The lessons taught have helped me in my personal life and my lodge brethren continue to amaze me in their dedication to each other and our wider community. I’m proud to be a Freemason and would recommend anybody who is curious to come and enquire.

Gareth Baron

St Martin’s 2320

As a 20-year member I became a Mason because I believed I was joining men who thought in a similar way to myself. Very true to a large extent, what I hadn’t realised was that wherever you go when visiting you are immediately among friends you had yet to meet.


Colin Smith
Grants 8825

Freemasonry is like being part of a fantastic story, you just want to learn more and more. While doing so, you meet new friends, that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

Andy Beaumont

Good Report 7370

Freemasonry is great way to make new friends and connect with old ones. It gives you the chance grow as a person and share that knowledge with others. It’s more than a brotherhood; it’s a family.

Andy Robson
Lodge of Union 268

Freemasonry has complimented and helped me to understand my journey in life. I’ve also met new friends who will stay with me for the rest of my journey.

Sonny Welsh
Felicity 4365

But that’s only a very small part of the story. It’s not about why I joined, but more about why I’ve stayed. I’ve stayed because I’ve seen with my eyes, and felt with my heart, the love, care, friendship and support that Masons give each other, not just within the framework of the Lodge Room or meetings, but in the wider world. A better bunch of lads I’ve yet to find..

Roger Bowden
Knowsley 4661

Freemasonary is a guaranteed social life. It’s a great way to make new friends and stay in touch with old ones. It’s the ability to grow as a person and extend what has been learnt to others seeking similar growth…

Chris Daniels
Iron Road 4964