Welcome to the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire website.
This site has been designed to provide an insight into Freemasonry and we sincerely hope it will be of high interest to both Freemasons and non-Freemasons alike.
Here you will find information on what it is to be a Freemason, our proud history, how to join, what charitable works we’re involved with and coming social events. For a more complete view of current news and events, plus the views and opinions of our many members, please visit our social media pages.
You’re also welcome to contact us anytime if you have any queries.
Passing of the Veils Ceremony at Blair Chapter 815, Hemsley House Monday 27 January 2025
We are thrilled to invite you to a truly unique event on Monday, 27 January 2025, as Blair Chapter 815 hosts the Passing of the Veils Ceremony at the magnificent Hemsley House.
What Makes This Special?
In Bristol’s Exaltation ceremony, the candidate passes through four veils, each revealing deeper spiritual and philosophical truths. This rare and distinguished ceremony will be performed by the East Lancashire Royal Arch Demonstration Team (ELRAPT) in the new Chapter room at Salford Masonic Hall Hemsley House.