The York Suite is set up and prepared for the delegates lunch

62 members representing fellowships from East and West Lancashire plus Cheshire met at Stanley House on Tuesday 15th May. WBro Donald Roberts the Audenshaw Fellowship Chairman in welcoming everyone including RWBro Sir David Trippier the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Master together with WBro John Pearson the patch APGM, EComp Gerry Hodson APGP and Audenshaw’s new District Chairman WBro John Cavanagh the latter three being accompanied by their wives Denise, Carol and Heather, gave a brief history of Stanley House following which he asked for a moments silence  in memory of Ken Tyler the Honorary President of the Fellowships who was the founder of this organisation back in 1975. Following a splendid lunch Donald Roberts, in introducing Sir David mentioned it was Sir David’s Birthday and immediately an impromptu round of Happy Birthday was sung.
Sir David in proposing the toast to the Masonic Fellowships said how proud he was that the movement which Ken Tyler had started in Farnworth in East Lancashire now has 29 Fellowships. He concluded by wishing the Fellowships well with a happy future.
John Pearson in responding to the toast mentioned he had attended a previous conference when he was the district chairman and said how important it was to keep retired Brethren particularly their wives and widows as part of the masonic family.
Mrs Jean Forrester herself a masonic widow and secretary of the Fellowships gave a report on the past year followed by an open Question and Answer session and confirming that in 2019 Leyland would be hosting the Conference.
WBro David Lloyd from the Leyland fellowship proposed a vote of Thanks to Audenshaw for hosting a very pleasant afternoon and lunch.
WBro Roberts closed the proceedings and wished everybody a safe journey home
Author;- Niall Perry