Wednesday the 13th April saw Salford’s 44th Annual District Dinner hosted by the District Chairman, WBro Geoffrey Baillie PProvJGW.  91 guests were present with WBro James Sutcliffe PSGD, PAPGM and WBro Chad Northcott PSGD, APGM amongst the brethren and their wives and partners.
WBro Baillie opened the evening, thanking the District Secretary, WBro Eric Bell for all the hard work and effort he had put into organising the event once again, and then followed with a few short notices of events that are to take place at Hemsley House in the near future. It was at this point he was than given the hurry up from the catering team. The soup was ready!

After an excellent meal WBro James Sutcliffe proposed the Loyal Toast and WBro Chad Northcott proposed the toast to the Salford District, pointing out that the District had many parts, from the District Team to the Ladies Committee and the brethren and members of Lodges and Chapters and all played a part in the success of the District.

There then followed the raffle which appeared to have a Gnome theme.