The Worshipful Master, WBro Christopher Stokes, and members of Constellation Lodge No 5395 welcomed the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Sir David Trippier, who was accompanied by WBro Andrew Procter ProvDepGDC.
The visit was a well-kept secret from one member of Constellation Lodge.
WBro David Wagstaff was to have been promoted at Provincial Grand Lodge in November last year but weeks before had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and only days before Provincial Grand Lodge underwent surgery – consequently missing out on being presented with his collar by the PGM.
One member of the Lodge took it upon himself to rectify this and wrote to the PGM to enlist his help. Knowing that the PGM’s own Lodge and his met on the same night, he simply asked if the PGM could attend Constellation Lodge and promote David.
To his shock – the PGM said yes and so one of the best kept secrets in East Lancashire Masonry was born.
After the first business of the Lodge was completed, there was a report and the ProvDepGDC Andrew Procter announced the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Sir David Trippier.
Still David Wagstaff had no idea why the PGM was there – but admitted later that he was more worried that there was both a PGM and a ProvDepGDC possibly going to be at his social board.
The PGM took the chair and announced his reason for being in attendance. He read excerpts from the letter written to him and explained that David was clearly held in high esteem by all of his Lodge and was delighted to be involved with such a surprise.
David was visibly shocked and stunned and just managed to maintain his composure.
The Provincial Grand Master took to the floor of the Lodge and promoted WBro David Wagstaff to PProvSGD.
David was paraded around the Lodge by the ProvDepGDC to the very heartfelt applause and acclaim of his Lodge members.
And finally, David is fit and well with no evidence of cancer.
(But wonders if he can trust a Mason again!)