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50 Year Celebration – WBro Geoffrey Howorth PProvSGW | The Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire Website

11th January 2024 saw over 50 brethren met at Todmorden Masonic Hall to celebrate and acknowledge WBro Geoffry Howorth PProvSGW 50 years in freemasonry.

The representative of the Rt. Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, WBro John Curry, accepted the gavel and took the chair of King Solomon to conduct the celebration. The celebration included a history of Geoffrey’s masonic career, from initiation in 1974 and his progression through all the offices of the lodge. Geoffrey was presented with a letter and certificate from the Provincial Grand Master, and proudly posed for a few photographs before retiring to the social board.

Here is a few extracts of the presentation that was expertly given in the lodge by WBro Peter Shrigley:

It is, in equal measure both a privilege and a pleasure to pay tribute to my good friend Geoff as he celebrates 50 years in Freemasonry.

Here is a man who is hugely public spirited, whether it be in the village of his birth, Wardle or, indeed in the context of the wider world. He is totally upright in his demeanour, alive to the needs of others and keen to maintain and improve the environment in which they live and work.

And so it was, Brethren that, in 1974, Geoff became a member of Royds Lodge No 816, and, in so doing found a platform on which he could discharge his moral and social duties and experience the fellowship of an organisation that is proud to describe itself as a fraternity.

Since then, Geoff’s commitment to freemasonry is legendary. He has served in every office as he ascended the ladder, has now twice served in that most important office in the Craft, namely that of Worshipful Master, in between times being amongst the longest serving Directors of Ceremonies in the Province. It is in this latter capacity that his knowledge and willingness to share that knowledge has been to the benefit of generations of members keen to progress in the Lodge.